I heart Rick Mercer 

I am at a Timmies waiting for my car. And checking my Facebook. And a group I’m on, consisting of all moms in my neighbourhood, are talking about the election. 


Politics is not my favourite subject or topic in the world. And I teach Civics. But I think voting is important. So I’m loving the dialogue on this FB group. 

And it’s happening at my school too. Students are talking about it. We are hosting a Student Vote next week, and having a small all candidates meeting tomorrow. My class and two other civics classes made some PSAs to air on our TV announcements to promote the Vote and importance of voting. They’re really well done. 

It is engaged citizenship in action. Right before my eyes. Even my five year old wants to come to the polls with me on the 19th. 

And so I will just park this little video here. Because I love Rick Mercer. Because I am going to vote. Because I think it is an important right that we have and that should not be taken for granted. 

And did I mention I love Rick Mercer? 



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